Happy New Year ! I hope you and your loved ones have a happy and healthy 2016.  I promised a few weeks ago on my Facebook page that I would give you the recipe for the Ice Cream Cone Cupcakes I made for Kimberley’s birthday, and I thought that starting the New Year with a cake was a great idea!

Ice cream Cone Cupcakes by Amanda Fowler of Inspiring Inkin'

The original idea and Ice cream Cone Cupcakes recipe comes from Anna Olson and the link to the recipe is here. I have a few suggestions and ‘tweaks’ which I will share below.

One thing I was worried about was that the ice cream cones would burn, you will see from the pictures they didn’t and the cake mixture cooked perfectly.  The ice-cream cones do soften over time though, so I suggest that you make them no earlier than the day before, and you really won’t have a problem with them being left over……….

Do take the time to make your own Dulce de Leche, but do stir it constantly, don’t leave it, it goes lumpy, ask me how I know this….that said lumpy still tasted nice!

I know the recipe is in cups, but it’s so easy to measure that way, don’t be scared and most jugs not have cup measures on them if you don’t have a set of measuring cups.

It says it makes 18, I needed 19 as it was Kimberley’s 19th birthday and the cake batter sunk down quite a bit as you can see from the pictures below, in future I would make 15 from the same quantities.  The bigger gap does leave more room for icing though…….

Ice cream Cone Cupcakes

I used a star shaped icing nozzle, and filled the cone, the little black flecks are vanilla seeds…..I’m not sure why I need to point that out, but I’d hate you to think they are dusty, they are just full of yummy vanilla bean goodness!

Ice Cream CupCakes by Amanda Fowler of Inspiring Inkin'

Make a ’99’ cone by adding a flake.

Icecream Cone Cupcakes

I hope you enjoy them!

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