I think….. that normal blog updates via email have been resumed…….. so this is a very quick post to check! If you are one of my lovely email subscribers, please can you comment below or email me to let me know if it arrived safe and sound. Thanks.
If you are reading my blog on the web, you may be wondering what I’m talking about, blogs in emails? Well it’s actually a great way of ensuring you never miss a blog post from me. I have a subscribe button on the right hand tool bar and with a couple of clicks I can appear in your inbox!
I do have something very pretty for you too look at today, its a brand new stamp and die set, featuring Christmas stockings, its called Hang Your Stockings Stamp set and Christmas Stockings Thinlits dies. Super cute and available from the 1st September 2016.
So yes that means that the Autumn-Winter catalogue is nearly here, in fact they are in the building, but it takes a bit of time for me to label and package them all, they will be posted out late next week.
If you have placed an order with me in the past year you will automatically get both the annual and seasonal catalogues sent to you as a thank you for your business support!
Would you like to see the front cover? It’s so fabulous! Okay so that is ALL I am sharing right now, but there will be sneak peeks right here starting on the 22nd August 2016.
Got the email notification no problem 🙂
Fantastic Thank you sally !
Hi Amanda. Yes received you e-mail ok. No problems for me. Thanks. Take care.
Thanks very much Linda !
Hi Amanda. I didn’t get the email link, just found it through Facebook. Sorry!
Hi Lorraine, I am sorry you didn’t get the email, I have just emailed you we can get it sorted out.
Email received ok. Super cute stockings stamps and dies!
Fantastic Suzanne, thank you for letting me know !
Received over and out
Excellent news Janice, so pleased it’s working!