I’ve been in bed and on the sofa with the Flu!
Yes its been almost 2 weeks, what I thought was a cold is most definitely flu. I am sorry for my absence, I am beginning to surface for a few hours each day, but realistically it’s going to be next week before I’m back working properly. I am going stir crazy, I am not a good patient, not at all!
Thank you so much for the emails and messages wondering where I was! You are so kind!
There are some new releases on Friday so I’ll be back with those, and then normal service will resume on Monday! Well as normal as I ever am….
Thank you for popping by!

February 2019 3M4XBJ3S
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Get well soon. And take care.
Hugs Tanja
Thank you Tanja!
Take time you need to get well. It is a nasty bug.
Thanks Jacky
Will be praying for you, Amanda, for a quick recovery.
Thanks Kathy
Sending you hugs and healing prayers! Take all the time you need to get better! You don’t want a relapse!
Thanks Cherie