Just a very quick post from me today, by now the swaps I made for the incentive trip will have been handed out, so here are some pictures. It's a small folded wallet type card, perfect for some chocolate and a note. I will be doing a video on how to fold these ...
It's been a bit of time since I made a video, but they are back, new opening screen, less editing……which means more Amanda'isms….. I hope you are ready for the new words I invent on a daily basis !!! What do you mean you don't know what a fluttery is, or piggle ...
Certainly my garden seems to think Spring is on it's way! My tiny daffodils always put on a good show, but I really wanted to show you the Primroses, we currently have a Stampin' Up! colour called Primrose Petals and when it launched I have to say I was a little ...
I know Christmas has just gone……..and it's 11 months till the next one……….but I needed to share this card and video with you today!
Firstly because it's an awesome Trifold card, and it's super quick and easy to do but looks fabulous, secondly because I shall be ...
I hope you are having a good weekend so far, the sun is shining in Hampshire.The kids are at Karate, I'm not sure if I have ever said, they are both Black belts and they tutor the lower belts on a Saturday morning before their classes. They are currently ...
Well the Stampin' Up! European Convention 2013 starts today properly and it's a full day of presentations, classes and then the awards ceremony tonight.Hopefully all my team gifts will have been given out by now so I can share them with you. I always have a ...